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Transforming Our Cities: High-Performance Green Infrastructure - WERF
The objective of this project is to demonstrate that the highly distributed real-time control(DRTC) technologies for green infrastructure being developed by the research team can play acritical role in transforming our nation’s urban infrastructure. These technologies include advancedrainwater harvesting systems, dynamically controlled green roofs, actively controlled detentionsystems, and controlled underdrained bioretention systems. The scope of work for this projectincludes: 1) modeling high-performance green infrastructure; 2) conducting field pilotinvestigations; and 3) cost analysis of implementation of DRTC technologies.Despite significant federal investment in combined sewer overflow (CSO) control over thepast few decades, CSOs remain a significant point source of pollution to receiving water bodies inthe United States. The research team hypothesized that dynamically controlled green infrastructurecan significantly reduce wet weather contributions to combined sewers. To investigate this, a linearoptimization model of a dynamically controlled rainwater harvesting cistern was compared to asimulation model of a conventional passive cistern. These models were run under baseline historicalprecipitation data with varying cistern storage capacities, as well as under various precipitation timeseries created with a statistical weather generator. The optimized dynamic system significantlymitigated CSO discharges when compared to the simulated passive system under all tank storagecapacities, and proved much more robust under a wide range of plausible precipitation scenariosresulting from climate change. Investigations at several pilot sites were conducted to determine the validity of model resultsand to demonstrate the practical implementation and quantitative benefits of DRTC technologies.Pilot sites included:
Advanced rainwater harvesting systems in New Bern, NC; Austin, TX; St. Louis, MO;Denver, CO; and Lawrenceville, GA.
Smart detention in Seattle, WA and Saint Joseph, MO.
Controlled green roof in Newtown Square, PA.
Controlled porous pavement in Omaha, NE.
Underdrained bioretention system in Lawrenceville, GA.
The obtained pilot site results support the hypotheses that DRTC technologies can greatlyreduce contributions to CSOs, reduce stormwater runoff, and retain stormwater for future onsite useand that these systems are practicable. The project has yielded useful technical results as well as examples of benefit/cost analysisfor the types of systems evaluated in the pilots. The project has demonstrated that through both targeted field pilots and planning levelanalysis, the integration of these innovative systems provides a new suite of tools for utilityoperators to optimize investments in green infrastructure and potentially solve problems that areintractable, unachievable, or not cost effective using conventional passive solutions. Cities facing ahigh cost of expanding stormwater infrastructure with gray or green strategies can achieve the samebenefit with a lower cost by retrofitting existing systems with real-time monitoring and controls.